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Urgent! Very urgent!

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A motorbike delivering food broke down on the slope facing my windows at home. It was a time when ordering food delivered to home or office was popular because of restrictions on the number of people who could eat together in a restaurant during the pandemic.

There was a sound and I turned to look out from my windows. The motorbiker waited for another food delivery worker to come and deliver the food for him. After the second motorbiker was gone, he waited for help for his malfunctioning motorbike.

數碼影像,呎吋不定, 2021

一輛送外賣的電單車在斜坡上拋錨了。 當時外賣是日常,因疫情期間有一同在餐廳用餐的人數上限。

聽到一點聲音,我往窗外看。 送餐的電單車手等待另一名送餐員來為他送餐。 第二名電單車手離開後,等待其他人來協助他處理電單車故障。

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