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She blocks the highway
participatory photo project


Participatory project

Photos contributed by participants:


After throwing my open call to invite people around the globe to send me photographic responses plus captions to an ‘incident’ I name She Blocks the Highway, I have been asked most of the time my work selection requirements.

She Blocks the Highway is a participatory project where every participant automatically becomes a collaborator whether or not s/he sees himself/herself as doing art. So this isn’t a juried competition where the winners are awarded an exhibition.

The photos and captions shown here are responses to and/or interpretations of the incident She Blocks the Highway whose details you can find below. 

The incident:
Woman blocks highway, covers face with avocado bits 
A woman in pyjamas was blocking the Kwai Chung Road highway this morning, bringing traffic to almost a complete halt.

Reportedly in her late 20s, the woman—identified by the police as Miss Lam—set up a table covered by a colorful clothe on the highway near a power sub-station in the Lai King area. According to a driver stuck on the spot, the woman created her DIY facial mask with an avocado and other ingredients such as olive oil and sour cream. "She started to put the mask in green color on her face after she was done with the mixture—she was then sitting there reading an architecture book and washed her face about 30 minutes after," the driver noted, identifying herself as Ms Auerbach. 

The police said it received a call from a driver at around 930am today complaining about the slow traffic and that his kid was scared when seeing a face covered by green color ingredients.

"I thought it was some filmming project," said a driver who requests anonymity. "But I found no cameraman. The lady did no harm to anybody though she delayed my trip to meet my girlfriend who now wants to dump me." He added that the woman was calm when taken away by the police.

The police declined to reveal further details, saying the woman was sent to a hospital for a checkup and the incident is still under investigation.



在發出 “她…堵塞了高速公路”的公開徵集後, 我最常被問及要達到什麼標準才可參加。“她…堵塞了高速公路”是一參與性項目, 參與者都自動成為項目的合作火伴,所以並不是一個通過評審過程獲取入選的展覽。




該女子據報姓林,年近三十,於公路荔景段一電力變壓站附近 擺放桌子及色彩繽紛枱布。一名受影響外藉女司機表示, 女子將帶備的牛油果、橄欖油、酸忌廉混合成面膜。司機說:“她將綠色混合物敷在臉上, 然後讀一本有關建築的書籍。該女子約三十分鐘後才清洗臉上的面膜。”

警方表示, 早上9時30分接獲一名人士報案,稱葵涌道交通嚴重受阻,並表示車中兒子看到綠色人臉受驚。

另一男司機則說: “我仲以為乜人係度拍戲, 但又唔見攝錄機。 個女人無傷害人…不過我約左女朋友, 依家遲到, 佢要撇我!”男司機補充說, 該女子被警員帶走時情緒平靜。

警方未有發佈其他有關事件資訊, 只表示正在調查事件, 而該女子已被送院檢查。

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